Patience is something I don’t have too much of. Generally, I read the last page of a book because I don’t like not knowing how it ends. The Bachelor/Bachelorette? I almost always look up the spoilers to see who wins. Now that I don’t have cable, I can’t mentally afford to get involved in shows […]
From the Mouth of Influential Women
March 8th is International Women’s Day! In honor of that, I’m sharing some of my favorite quotes from some beautifully influential women. My sister recently read In Praise of Difficult Women, and it would be the perfect read on a day like this. A novel full of stories of influential women who were labeled as […]
Attitude of Gratitude
Happy Thanksgiving! Last year, I wrote about things that I was thankful for. This day is a chance for all of us to reflect on the blessings in our lives. However, what if we adopted an attitude of gratitude? What kind of change would that have in your life? This Thanksgiving, opt for gratitude, not […]
What is Success?
As of late, I’ve had a lot of opportunity to think of success. What does it mean to me? When will I feel that I’ve actually been successful at something? Success is different for everyone. Someone may only be interested in making a lot of money. For them, success may lie in retiring early. Others […]
Life Isn’t About Perfection
I’ve spent a lot of time in my life thinking about the concept of perfection. It manages to creep up everywhere: work, relationships, physically. In a world where social media prevails, perfection is thrown into your face every day. People living perfect Instagram lives, sharing their perfect Facebook adventures. It’a hard not to get overwhelmed […]
“When she wanted to escape her life, she read books.”
I find a lot of escape in reading. Depending on my mood, a book can turn my day right around. Today, some of my favorite quotes from literature, only from books that I’ve actually read. I’ll let them speak for themselves. Hamlet, William Shakespeare Bossypants, Tina Fey Les Miserables, Victor Hugo The Great Gatsby, F. Scott […]
Live Your Life with Purpose
Would you say that you live your life with purpose? What does that really mean? Isn’t living with purpose just the pursuit of your dreams? It’s difficult to find your purpose in life sometimes. Listen to this before you continue reading: They say that you should follow your passion, and that’s where you find […]
You’ve Got a Friend in Me
Yesterday was National Friendship Day, so what better topic to cover this month than talking about being a friend? As I “get older” and grow up, I realize that having a few fierce friends is so much more valuable than sprinkling my life with acquaintances. In friendships, like all relationships, you can only get out […]
Conquering Fear & Trusting Yourself
Looking at my life and some (read: most) of the decisions I’ve made, I’m a pretty fearful person. A lot of the negative thoughts in my head stem from fear somewhere…the fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of birds. When you look back at your life and what has lead you to this moment, […]
Quotes about Life & Change
I planned out my monthly quotes back when I first started Adventures in Nonsense. The months so far have been related to how I was feeling…loving yourselfand finding strength when you really need it. This time, I’m focusing on life and change. I thought that I would be in a very different place in my […]