Happy Homeowner-iversary to me! I closed on my house June 14, 2019. I didn’t officially move in until later in the month, but it has officially been mine for one year now. Honestly, this is about the time when I’d start looking for a new apartment or getting restless, and I’m just not. I’ve learned […]
Peek Into My Life
#SmileFearlessly: Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth
For years, I have been fighting with my teeth. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of my parents (not sarcastic at all), I was blessed with braces in middle school. I think that was the start of my teeth problems. I mean, for years, there were parts of my teeth that didn’t get brushed because I […]
Build Your Own Book Nook
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a library in my home. Beauty and the Beast was never one of my favorite Disney movies, but, man, was I jealous of the library Belle was given. There’s just something so comforting about being surrounded by pages. When I was touring houses before […]
2020: The Year of ‘Passion’
Happy New Year, friends! Here’s to fresh beginnings in an even-numbered year with an extra day to do something amazing! Can you tell I’m trying to force this year to be better than the last few? If you caught up with my blog yesterday, then you know I’m not very good at setting goals. I […]
Why I Started Keeping a Book of Lists
At any given time, I have at least ten checklists in my head. Things like house projects, gift ideas, upcoming birthdays… It seem like it will never end. That’s why I’m celebrating National Checklist Day with my Book of Lists. I tried keeping a bullet journal a couple of years ago. It was all the […]
Debate: eReader or Books
I fought for so long against the eReader craze. I thought for sure that it wouldn’t catch on and become popular. Boy, was I wrong. Over the years, eReaders have taken off. It’s kind of like cell phones: the more advanced they’ve gotten, the smaller they are. eReaders now boast that you can travel with […]
From Offer to the Front Door: Your Homebuying Timeline
I’m going to start this blog with a caveat: This is my story. Based on people I’ve talked to and other stories I’ve heard, I think this story is becoming more common. If you’re looking to get into real estate, take this as your starter homebuying timeline. Note: All time windows below are working backward […]
House Hunters: Single Millennial Edition
Surprise! I’m in the process of trying to buy a house. I finally reached my goal down payment amount (in February), so it’s go-time. The apartment complex where I currently live let me know they’re not renewing my lease due to renovations. I could move to another unit, but the rent is about $200 more […]
Lent: 40 Days of Self Improvement
We’re back for another Lenten season. As a reminder, this is a period in time where you’re meant to make changes in your life to improve yourself and grow deeper into your faith. Lent is starting a few weeks later this year, so I had time to think, but it still managed to creep up […]
Road Trip Essentials
The time has come for another (almost) cross-country road trip! A few years ago, I assisted in the drive from Newport, Rhode Island down to Atlanta. Now, we’re going from Atlanta to California. Phew. This one is a doozy. I may as well be a seasoned pro at road trips now. So, I’m sharing my […]