My Bible

Today is Good Friday, an impactful day across many religions. In light of that, today I’m giving you a look into my Bible!

I was born and raised Catholic. Faith has always been very important to my family. We’re your quintessential Italian Catholics. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t actually think that I’ve been to a service at a church of a different denomination.

My bible was a gift to me from Life Teen back in high school. November 2007 was the start of my sophomore year. I know that it says that it’s a “youth” bible, and I have no issue with that! I actually prefer it. Reading my bible means nothing if the stories and the words confuse me.

The Catholic bible has seven “extra” books that other Christian religions don’t. Sirach, pictured above, is my absolute favorite. I was on a retreat one year with my youth group, and opened to Sirach 16, and it just absolutely changed everything. I think it was the first book of the Bible that I read start to finish.

I always keep a pen and a highlighter with me whenever I’m reading my bible. You just never know when you’ll come across a passage that speaks to you in how you are at a given time. I have a million different colors…some passages have dates and others have keywords.

This is actually one of my favorite quotes from my March Bible Challenge. It’s from 2 Corinthians 12:10, and reads as follows…

“Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 

What’s your favorite verse?

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